Ammara Gul - Aspiring Web Developer


  1. 1) CSS Transitions
  2. 2) Animation Direction,Timing function and Easing
  3. 3) Infinitely Looping animation
  4. 4) Pause and Play with animation-play-state
  5. 5) Animate 3D Transforms
  6. 6) Animate sprite images with steps
  7. 7) Chain Multiple Animations
  8. 8) Applying CSS Animation to SVG
  9. 9)This section is about some tips to use animations e.g Browser support for animations and Fallbacks.
  10. 10)This section is about some helpful online tools for animation and using browser's animation inspection tools.

CSS:Refactoring Style Sheets

  1. 1) Section 1 describes what is Refactoring?when we should refactor css and when not.It also informs about some refactoring priniciples.
  2. 2) Refactoring Tools
  3. This section demonstrates a practical example of CSS Refactoring and also describes how to quarantine unused code to reduce load.
  4. 4) Automating Refactoring Using Task Runners